about on a MOTORWAY


Quite simply "to make living and working safer for everyone"

Stephen Blenkinsop our senior trainer spent thirty one years working within Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, he has seen at first hand the pain and suffering of real life casualties at road traffic collisions and also at fires.

This has prompted him to give over thirty years of his free time to "making living and working safer for everyone" in his voluntary work with two of the biggest road safety charities, now in his professional career, he continues to put road safety and lives first and foremost.

Please contact us below for information or call back soon. Thank you.

SADE [Safety And Driver Education] Limited
90 Mariners Wharf, South Ferry, Liverpool L3 4DH, MERSEYSIDE

Contact us now for free advice about your training requirements, or just call
T 0151 708 6089. M 07719 942250

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