driver under assessment

Accident Investigation

We can provide the following: car crashed into wall

If you have a driver involved in a serious or fatal road traffic collison, then you must investigate it as part of your health and safety obligations, the aim being to stop it happening again.

If you wish, we can take a totally unbiased view of that incident and highlight the main features that contributed to the possible cause of the accident, helping to ensure no stone is unturned in your accident investigation.

We can trawl through your accident statistics to determine if there is a pattern emerging that needs addressing, either through better vehicle selection, identify further training needs, or better use made of Pre-employment driving assessments. This is what managing occupational road risk is all about, to ignore, or blame others, for failing to plan, is planning to fail!.

Accidents do not just occur, they are the result of a series of unplanned linked events, you should be committed to preventing these by a clear and logical approach, and good accident investigation can help identify areas of improvement.

It is a legal requirement that you investigate all accidents thoroughly, as an unbiased external organisation, we are well placed to complete this task, having assisted in several accident investigations within the Fire Service.

You can contact us at any time, for free advice on any transport training matter, or just call
T 0151 708 6089. M 07719 942250.

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