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Advanced Driving and Riding

car driver
What is Advanced or Defensive driving and Riding?

"It could be defined as the demonstration of continual progression from learner driver status to an observant systematic, progressive and safe driver".

The IAM or Institute of Advanced Motorists is one of the largest organisations that run and conduct advanced driving, starting in 1956. They have a network of groups (sadly none in Liverpool) around the country which have a social function holding meetings, events and open days etc; ROSPA or the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents was born in 1917, first starting out as The London Safety Council and in 1981 they incorporated the League of Safe Drivers into their organisation, which later became Rospa Advanced Drivers and Riders.(ROADAR)

Advanced tests are offered by both organisations not only offer to conduct advanced tests for cars, bikes and lorries, as well as holding ecevnts and meetings with a motoring theme.

What to do if there are no local groups in your area?

We have many years experience in teaching advanced driving, our senior trainer, Stephen Blenkinsop joined Merseyside Group of Advanced Motorists in 1976 as an associate member and passed hs IAM test in December of that year, he then offered his sevices as an observer, and went on to become senior observer, training officer and latterly as Chairman. Stephen has also been involved with the local Rospa (Roadar) Group on Merseyside, and has again offered his services free to teach advanced driving and riding, both in cars and motorbikes, so he has a wealth of knowledge and experience with both forms of advanced test preparation and training.

Occupational road risk, is a modern term used within the commercial sector to define training to persons who drive as part of their normal daily work routine, be they white van man, managing directors or company sales reps. The health and safety laws currently stipulate, that employers must TRAIN and RISK ASSESS all parts of an employee's work, and if this includes driving, then that must be covered and recorded, failure to do so can result in penalties, and lead management open to additional punishment through the courts.

If you are considering taking an advanced driving test in a car, bike or lorry, and want qualified guidance, then please get in touch below.

Contact us now for free advice on any training requirement you may have, or just call
T 0151 708 6089. M 07719 942250.